
Showing posts from January, 2016

How to create google organization chart from database in

In this article I am going to explain how to create google organization chart from database in ASP.NET. Step by step Step 1  Create Database and table in sql server Table Design Column DataType Id Int Name Varchar(50) Parent Varchar(50) ToolTip Varchar(50) Sample Data Name Parent Tooltip Manager Manager Supervisor1 Manager Supervisor1 Supervisor2 Manager Supervisor2 Supervisor3 Manager Supervisor3 Employee1 Supervisor1 Employee1 Employee2 Supervisor1 Employee2 Employee23 Supervisor2 Employee3 Step 2 Open visual studio => Create new website => Add new page and give the suitable name Step 3 Html Markup <% @ Page Language ="C#" AutoEventWireup ="true" CodeFile ="Chart.aspx.cs" Inherits ="Ch...

Upload Drag Drop file to the server in using ajax and handler

In this article i am going to demonstrate how to upload , drag and drop file in here i am using ajax and handler to upload drop file to the server. Step 1   Open visual studio create a website and give the suitable name. Step 2 Add new web form Step 3 Put below script on the head of page < script src ="//"></ script >     < script >         $(document).ready( function () {             var Divobj = $( "#drgdiv" );             Divobj.on( 'dragenter' , function (e) {                 $( this ).css( 'border' , '1px solid green' );                 e.stopPropagation();   ...